

I’m using the gpg-agent in place of the ssh-agent. I think this is a very interesting use because it eliminates the need for me to store my ssh key as a flat file: ssh-add -l 4096 SHA256:rsOIZD3XP+Tvj+l5xrbRnxgvdg2qKL5agAxzPLT5rao (none) (RSA) 2048 SHA256:U6ETCKbdPbvgPMSjePS0jrGR3yMdhF9NC6MUHItynJc /Users/admin/.ssh/splice-dcos.pem (RSA) ... You can see here that the top key is one that is generated by GPG and not associated with any particular file. That being said, I still have to use SSH keys that are given to me for work.

SSH Review

Detail and SSH connection Symmetrical Encryption One key can be used to encrypt messages Alice->Bob but can also be used to decrypt messages Bob->Alice. Anyone that holds the key, can encrypt and decrypt messages. AKA “Shared Secret” || “Secret Key” SSH uses Symmetrical encryption for the connection contrary to what most people believe (asymmetric). Asymmetric encryption is only used for authentication. Key Exchange Algorithm Using an algorithm, the client and server can exchange data over the Asymmetrically encrypted connection to arrive at a shared secret that can be used for the Symmetrically Encrypted connection.